by Jennifer Voisard | Aug 29, 2022 | Community, Content, Content Strategy, Trending Topics
Do generational differences impact the B2B journey? Yes. Our team increasingly hears from Sales leaders that B2B buyers don’t agree on their problems so they can’t agree on a solution — and often the associated change management is just “too hard” for some to...
by Cheryl Treleaven | Mar 23, 2022 | Branding, Community, Content, Content Strategy, Thought Leadership
For years, marketers have recognized that thought leadership can add tremendous value to their brand’s content experience. Despite that, much of the content being produced today falls short of buyer expectations. What makes thought leadership valuable to the C-Suite...
by Jennifer Voisard | Jul 28, 2020 | Content, Featured Community Building
2020 was already set to be a reckoning on corporate technology and a consolidation of digital transformation efforts. It was discovered that many ecosystems were not optimized or connected, often due to a lack of IT governance and architectural strategy. This was...
by Jennifer Voisard | May 12, 2020 | Content, Featured content strategy
In an effort to understand new content best practices, our team conducted a special journey mapping exercise to see how the pandemic may be impacting technology related decision-making in B2B. We chose an ecommerce platform decision in manufacturing for our scenario,...
by Jennifer Voisard | May 12, 2020 | Content
Futurist and innovator Brian Solis recently introduced the concept of the “novel economy.” In an interview with fellow innovator Vala Afshar, Solis explained, “We are entering what I call a Novel Economy. Novel means new and unusual and that accurately describes...
by Jennifer Voisard | Mar 31, 2020 | Content
Strategic content is more urgent than ever. During this uncertain period of social distancing and isolation, digital channels allow us to reach customers anywhere. And besides walking and educating their kids, customers are taking advantage of found time to catch up...