by Colleen Nolan | Dec 1, 2014 | Community
If you are like me, you are waiting for someone you know to send you an Ello invitation. Why? Ello, for lack of a more eloquent description, is an ad-free Facebook. No ads at its launch – or ever. All of this is explained to current and potential users in the Ello...
by Colleen Nolan | Aug 25, 2014 | Community, Content
As you may have read last week in my colleague Brenda Todd’s post: Community Vibrancy – What Does it Take?, our team has been spending a lot of time studying communities – again! Our research in this area always focuses on two objectives: uncovering emerging...
by Pam Flores | Jul 29, 2014 | Thought Leadership
At ComBlu, we believe engagement lies at the nexus of conversation, content and community. Our new website reflects that point of view. The core of the new website focuses on our key areas of expertise: Content strategy: Developing and operationalizing...
by Brenda Todd | Sep 5, 2013 | Community
While reading through my Facebook newsfeed recently, a post from WOMMA caught my eye. It said: “FILL IN THE BLANK: A skill or trait that all Community Managers should have is ____________.” Having served as a community manager for several of my clients’ programs over...
by Colleen Nolan | May 7, 2013 | Community
Last week I was talking with a client about a new community they will be rolling out and their need for a community manager. The conversation went like so many do: “Does this really need to be a full-time person? Can’t someone already on our team take this over?” And,...