by Jennifer Voisard | Jul 2, 2013 | Community
Are you sifting through the new FTC compliance rules for social engagement and trying to figure out what it all means? Really it is all about common sense. If you think about it, the rules are simply designed to keep us transparent as we craft new marketing strategies...
by Colleen Nolan | Nov 27, 2012 | Community
Last night CNN ran a story about Salvatore Iaconesi – a man who posted his medical records online after being diagnosed with a brain tumor. His hope is that other patients who have faced a similar diagnosis can help him make the right treatment and care decisions....
by Cheryl Treleaven | Aug 21, 2012 | Community, Content
Each fall, ComBlu releases its annual “State of Online Branded Communities” report. Every summer, our researchers join about 250 communities and score them using a best practices scorecard. In addition, they make more qualitative judgments about member...
by Jennifer Voisard | Jul 31, 2012 | Content
In my last post, we talked about the fact that advocacy marketing was hot and trending again. We covered the nature of brand advocates, their personas, the business value they deliver and their influence. Today, we will expand on this topic and focus on how best to...
by Steve Hershberger | Jul 24, 2012 | Community, Content, Thought Leadership
By now, everyone has seen this Infographic. Yes, it is complex and confusing and it should give you a headache. The tools to manage and measure activity on a socially enabled web today are growing at substantial rate. Today, you can track and measure virtually any...