Everything Changes in an Instant

  It certainly was a wake-up call for me last month when Facebook announced that it was acquiring the photo-sharing app Instagram for $1 billion. The jaw-dropping payout was buzzed about everywhere and made me wonder: is there more to the app than a way to share...

Repositioning A Venerable Brand

Repositioning a venerable brand needs to both honor its heritage and create a new reality that is credible and disruptive. The disruption breaks the schema that has previously defined the brand, but if the disruption is too far afield, the new positioning will lack...

Introduction to Building a Content Analytics Dashboard

Content Marketing is a hot topic. Everyone wants to know how they can deliver and amplify great content that their customers will engage with. Here at ComBlu, we’ve analyzed why marketers need to act like publishers, develop systemized approach to content ideation,...

Spring into community

  Cheers to spring. It means gardening, baseball, sunshine, barbeques and the promise of summer. It also means that ComBlu is busy gearing up for the 2012 State of Online Branded Communities Study. It is hard to believe that we have been on this journey for four...