What’s in a promise?

I recall visiting a carnival when I was a kid, maybe 11 or 12.  Outside of the fun house was a carney who was barking into a microphone. “Take a visit you’ll never forget.  Walk through the Chamber of Horrors and see unspeakable things.  Be frightened in ways you...

Sacred Cows: USDA Prime

  I sat next to a guy recently on a flight who was reading two books at the same time.  One was ‘Outliers’ by Malcom Gladwell.  The other was ‘Groundswell’ by Charlene Li and Josh Bernoff. Most people don’t read two books at the same time unless there is a...

Signs of the times

  It was 4 degrees at 5:45am this morning.  It was also dark. I slid and stumbled down the still snow covered driveway to locate my Wall Street Journal, the old-school paper kind.  Finding it I made my way quickly back inside.  But as I walked, I noticed one...