by Pam Flores | Jun 17, 2014 | Community
Earlier this month, my colleague Colleen wrote a very interesting post on the Topography of Twitter Networks that laid out the six network types on Twitter and explained how each network has a different structure of connection and influence. Her blog provided insights...
by Cheryl Treleaven | May 28, 2014 | Thought Leadership
Customer service departments have long played an integral role in the delivery of quality customer experience for brands, service providers and B2B organizations. Traditionally, they provide an important one-to-one communication channel to troubleshoot problems,...
by Cheryl Treleaven | Jun 26, 2013 | Community
As Chicago celebrates its Blackhawks bringing home the Stanley Cup, it’s hard to think about much else today. Or, for the past few weeks, as it happens. Since the series with the Boston Bruins began, fans of both teams have been blowing up my newsfeed and the...
by Steve Hershberger | Jun 4, 2013 | Content
In a recent Marketing Profs post, some interesting information came to light. Namely, how important content is to the purchase process. This shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone, but instead of taking this fact at face value, let’s take a different look at the role...
by Brian Costea | Mar 26, 2013 | Community
Social media has become a giant tool for brands to broaden their reach and generate sales. Given the amount of time customers spend on social networking sites, it’s table stakes for any company (large or small) to get serious about investing in social media marketing....