Get With the Times

    My workday always started the same: a venti Starbucks with a side of the top dailies. I came into work at least two hours early to allow for time to devour all the news that’s fit to print. After all, reading a broadsheet on the bus was simply not...

Are You Relationship Material?

  With my 25th wedding anniversary rapidly approaching (yipes), my mind has naturally been on relationships. Thinking back to all the advice we got leading up to that summer day in 1986, it occurs to me that some universal principals apply to building any great...

Does content value drive brand value?

For many of us, the line between online and off has disappeared.  Bandwidth is relatively cheap, public hotspots are almost ubiquitous and mobile technology and infrastructure is rapidly catching up to the hype. I can’t think of a time in the last two years when I...

Designing for Mobile Engagement

Mobile consumption is steadily on the rise and according to Quantcast it still only accounts for less than 5% of all global web consumption, with slightly less in the U.S. With that being said, community designers seem to be making one of two mistakes when thinking...

My personal SXSW glossary

SXSW is an alternate universe with a unique culture. The native SXSW language is dude-speak. For example, right now I’m sitting in the lobby of the Hyatt, and a crew is taping an “unboxing” video of some cool camera gear. Ever other utterance is “super geeked out ”or...