by Cheryl Treleaven | Oct 30, 2018 | Content
This post was written by ComBlu partner Steven Keith, Founder of CX Pilots. Leaders of professional services firms who are tasked with implementing CX programs are often looking for the best way to join the Client Experience movement without too much distraction from...
by Jennifer Voisard | Sep 4, 2018 | Content, Trending Topics
This post has been republished on September 4, 2018. In the few years since I wrote the Hitchhiker’s Guide to a Content Journey, the gap between B2B vendor content and buyer preference has widened significantly. Contributing to this content chasm is the evolved and...
by Cheryl Treleaven | May 23, 2018 | Content
This post was originally written by Tom De Baere on his blog, B2B Marketing Experiences. Marketing organization haven’t changed much in the last 40 years or so. But that’s about to change. We live in a world of exponential change. As we have moved from the industrial...
by Cheryl Treleaven | May 8, 2018 | Content
This post was originally written by ComBlu’s Kathy Baughman and featured on Oracle’s blog, SmarterCX. Along my marketing career path, I evolved from writing articles on a manual typewriter to helping B2B clients offer seamless multi-channel experiences. I...
by Cheryl Treleaven | Mar 6, 2018 | Content
Envision the modern-day centaur as half human and half machine. In visualizing this, you probably imagined the top half of the human body kluged to a mechanical base. The resulting being could outpace the limitations of human movement with the ability to reason and...
by Cheryl Treleaven | Jan 17, 2018 | Content
This was originally published on, by Kevin Nichols, a Big Content Alliance Partner. One of my favorite LinkedIn influencers, Tom Goodwin, recently wrote in a LinkedIn post: “I think my mega trend for 2018 is just the word “same.” The trends decks I...