The Hitchhiker’s Guide to a Content Journey

Forgive the marketing speak for a minute, but I want to talk about the purchase decision process and why content journeys are so important for brands embarking on or executing their content strategy. Now, obviously real people do not consider themselves to be on a...

Technology: Not just for IT

I recently attended a webinar facilitated by Social Media Today that discussed the changing dynamics of IT and Marketing. Gartner has been projecting that the CMO will spend more on technology than the CIO in the next few years. Why? According to the experts, the...

Creating Content for the Tech Buyer

Recently TechTarget summarized the implications of a study conducted by SolarWinds that looked at the “Evolving Role of IT.” Not surprisingly the data shows that nine out of 10 IT professionals agree that an increasingly complex infrastructure has affected their roles...

Go Fish

Everyone is a buzz about digital story telling these days and its gain in popularity makes sense. Stories are the fabric of our history. They can be verbal, written, a song, a painting, a photograph, but more importantly they are the most relatable form of...

When slinging mud is a good thing

Writing about the power and importance of social networks and location-based technology must seem so yesterday. But, what if the devastating floods that hit Colorado in September happened in the PC years (pre-social) and not today? The negative impact on the rescue...