Is Social Media a ‘trick play’?

Yesterday I had the good fortune to be with a couple of former NBA greats.  My nine year old son and a handful of his friends had the good luck to spend a couple of hours at Conseco Field House’s practice gym with these guys.  There was a lot of shouting and running...

Boiling the frog

Ever hear the expression “if you drop a frog in boiling water, it’ll jump out but if you put a frog in water and slowly turn up the heat, it’ll cook itself.” Personally, I have never tried this experiment but the analogy works for me.  The gist here is will the frog...

Come Fly with me.

The airline industry has an expression to segment roles of employees: above the wings/below the wings. Above the wings involves actual in-flight experience; it embraces pilots, flight attendants, ticket agents, check-in personnel, the maintenance people who clean the...