Amidst the hundreds of communications on Covid-19 hitting my inbox and newsfeeds, I’m most interested in those that offer practical advice on how we best manage through this crisis and emerge healthy as individuals, communities and businesses.  One such piece recently ran in Marketing Week; in an op-ed by Mark Ritson, he suggests how marketers might proceed in the age of coronavirus:

It might seem superficially mercantile to discuss brands, pricing and customer behaviour as we stare down the barrel of a pandemic. But the practical reality of global economic trade means that we need to market now for the good of all mankind.

And I am not overstating. The wheels of industry need to keep turning so workers are paid and families are fed. Those wheels are best greased by effective marketing. We need to drive demand like never before. We should not be doing the job of the government or the chief medical officer, we should be doing our own – like mad – for the good of the country.

In other words, don’t lose sight of the long-term as we deal with our immediate (and hopefully short-term) crisis. To read the complete article, go here.

Stay well!

Cheryl Treleaven


Engaging your customers is at the heart of successful marketing programs. For more than 20 years, Cheryl has been building and executing content and thought leadership strategies designed to do just that. She is excited to be applying that well-honed skill to a help companies like Microsoft, Cisco, 3M, Intel, Capital One and Barclaycard tap into their stakeholder communities and build sophisticated content strategies.

Her experience base spans a range of industries – from technology and financial services to retail, travel, consumer products and healthcare. Cheryl has served as an integral member of her clients’ marketing teams, providing counsel on marketing and brand strategy, thought leadership, media relations, product introductions, and event management.

Prior to joining ComBlu, Cheryl spent 10 years leading corporate marketing for large, complex organizations.