2016This list is based on the most viewed and shared blog posts and slideshows in 2016. What is notable is that many were not developed this year. Below is a myriad list of topics that seem to be on the minds of our readers: thought leadership, digital transformation, marketing operations, content strategies, social business and more. Browse the list and hopefully there is something for you.





Blog Posts

  1. Thought Leadership Content In The Financial Services Industry: What’s Trending?
  1. Topic Modeling Tips to Keep Your Content Relevant
  1. Pre-Personalization Is a Thing: Part Two
  1. The Three C’s of Digital Transformation
  1. You’re Being Assigned to the New Content Marketing Team. Now What?
  1. On Being Authentic
  1. Communications Skills Training in the Digital Age
  1. Pre-Personalization Is a Thing
  1. Four Social Engagement Resolutions for B2B Marketers
  1. Effortless Content Doesn’t Come Easy


Slideshows and Presentations


Jennifer Voisard

Senior Consultant

Jenny is a digital content strategist, who leads customer-centric engagements that focus on understanding B2B buying behaviors and developing custom roadmaps.

Her expertise is creating buyer personas and mapping digital content journeys to assess the multi-channel user experience. She helps clients operationalize plans across workstreams and identifies processes to create efficiencies in marketing operations. Jenny also has extensive time under her belt developing and managing customer advocacy programs and community building.

She has helped a diverse group of organizations including Cisco, VMware, Verizon, Microsoft, Dell, BMO Harris, Capital One and many others become more customer-centric.