Effortless Content Doesn’t Come Easy

Everyone has that one friend who is always so put together – and they make it look easy. In reality, that well turned-out friend works out faithfully at 5 am, after getting 8 hours of sleep, eating clean, and drinking 64 oz of water daily.  Annoying– maybe....

Pre-Personalization Is a Thing: Part Two

90% of the CMOs surveyed for the Forbes, Publish or Perish Report, believe that content is essential to drive growth, and 92% believe that personalized experiences will drive value, shorten sales cycles and deepen affinity. By definition, content...

Pre-Personalization Is a Thing

Contextual content marketing is a top agenda item of sophisticated marketers. Delivering content that targets the immediate need of the person looking for information is technically possible. The value of these experiences, however, is dependent upon the quality of...

Topic Modeling Tips to Keep Your Content Relevant

“Let’s create uninspired, irrelevant or self-serving content”– said no marketer ever. And yet, that’s exactly what we deliver at times. Why? Could be too little time to fill too many content holes. Too many ‘cooks’ in the content kitchen. We’re often trying to keep...